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Car Accidents: Preventing Self-Sabotage

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The pain and hassle caused by a vehicle accident take time to handle efficiently. With injuries, working may be hard or impossible, but the bills don't stop arriving. In fact, they're probably higher than ever. Starting a lawsuit and filing claims with insurance carriers is probably on your mind, but your own actions could be the ones that derail a possible settlement. Make sure to avoid these moves.

1. Waiting Too Long

Every ounce of your energy is probably concentrated on getting from one day to the next, especially if serious injuries are an issue. However, days pass and it becomes more likely that you could miss deadlines that allow you to file and pursue claims. It is important that you retain and meet with an auto accident attorney right away because they can keep you on a timeline that's most beneficial and likely to produce a good outcome. They know the relevant time limits and won't allow you to wait so long you can't act.

2. Ignoring Police

You might have agreed on the scene that police didn't need to get involved. However, this hurts you. Police are skilled at observing vehicle accident scenes, interviewing witnesses, and recording facts, all of which are crucial for anyone going to court. If you just didn't think of it at the moment or now regret not involving them sooner, it's easy to think your window of opportunity has passed. Luckily, calling the police is always an option. They can still do some investigative work and can get statements from both you and the other party or parties. This is important; your own memory could be slowly fading, and an officer's questions could reveal important details for your court case or insurance claim.

3. Complaining or Bragging Online

With so many smartphones and computers on the market, you're probably spending time on at least one social media site. You may feel comfortable complaining about the other driver or complaining about all your bills and injuries. You might brag about your case or post photos that show how your injuries are progressing. All of these things are not wise to do. Without your knowledge, an insurance company employee or the other driver's legal representatives could be watching your posts. They could print out the most dramatic posts and use them to prove their points in court. Consider not making posts related to what's happening, or don't use those sites until everything's been litigated. 

Your attorney can tell you more self-sabotaging activities that you need to avoid. Follow their guidance so your efforts pay off and your claims and/or lawsuit succeed.
